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Ransomware Attacks Continue to be Top of Mind for Business and IT Leaders

Ransomware attacks compromise access to your organisation’s data and consequences can be devastating, usually resulting in either paying the cyber criminals to (maybe) unencrypt your data, stumbling with decryption tools, or gambling on recovery from backups. Despite millions being spent annually on guarding data entry points, the strategic value of improving and increasing data protection can often be underestimated.

Your Existing Data Protection May Not be Enough

Backups safeguard critical data against common scenarios such as recovering from natural or man-made disasters, data corruption, or accidental deletions. However, ransomware attacks can stress existing data-protection infrastructure that may be built on legacy architectures, such as disk and tape, more than expected. If you’re already struggling with meeting recovery SLAs, a ransomware attack can exacerbate the situation with additional downtime. Your backup systems and data can also be compromised, which could require you to reinstall and reconfigure your backup solution, before even contemplating data recovery.

Augmenting Your Data Protection – A New Approach

At NG-IT we acknowledge and share the concerns around ransomware, that’s why we’re pleased to let you know of a new approach to mitigating against these attacks, enabling you to create read-only snapshots of backup data and associated metadata catalogues after you’ve performed a full backup. You can recover data directly from these snapshots, helping guard against attacks by ransomware and even rogue admins.

Enhanced Protection

Ransomware can’t delete, modify, or encrypt these snapshots. Only an authorised designee within your organisation can work with with the dedicated support team to configure the feature, modify policy, or manually eradicate snapshots.

Rapid Restore

Leverage a massively parallel architecture and elastic performance that scales with data to speed backup and recovery.

Backup Integration & Flexibility

Utilise the same snapshot process regardless of backup product or native utility used to manage data protection processes. In terms of flexibility, Snapshot frequency and eradication scheduling are customisable.

Want to Know More?

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